It was a powerful Prayer and Praise session yesterday, as I came to rest my burdens and anxieties at the feet of my Lord and learnt to find my way back to what I had lost... prayer. Absolutely loved what Pst Kai had shared with us... "Prayer is the ultimate sign of our dependence on God." When we have everything that we need, when we know that we are resourceful and have solutions at hand, need we turn to prayer? So true, and such a glaring reminder of my pride, my selfishness... that really, I only turn to God when things go south... when I am in need.
I realise, it is really coming to recognise our daily desperation for God. Without Him in our lives, without Him in everything that we do, every relationship that we build, it is all for naught. Prayer hence needs to be embraced because... as what Philip Yancey said... prayer changes us more so than it changes our Father. We may emerge from a prayer session with a very different perspective, renewed in vigour and faith, and seeing that we are the ones who need to change for an issue to move forward.
I am learning. I am not perfect - and never will I be, but I am learning to pray in all the empty spaces of time in my life... when I am walking from a place to another place, when I am on the train, when I am waiting in the queue. I am starting to think too that beyond giving God the "spare time" that I have, he needs to be the first that I seek, and first doesn't just mean to pray first then forget about God the rest of the day, but first means that He is the priority, the most important task on the list of "To Dos"...
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