Thursday, June 21, 2012

Running away

Today, I just feel like running away.

I wish I had a strong point of view, a strong opinion that is unshakeable and unwavering, but if truth be told, I often don't, cursed - or blessed - with the gift to view many sides of the same issue. Perspectives. So many human perspectives, vying and tussling for prominence and victory. That seems to be the rule of thumb in the world.

Increasingly, I begin to see that only God's perspective matters. Not mine, not yours, not his, not hers. But how do we enlarge God's perspective in the world, when humans are so narrow-sighted?

I really, really just want to run away... run away to the safe retreat of Church Camp, or God, where I do not have to struggle so.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

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