Thursday, January 01, 2015

Recounting 2013

I do my utmost to review the year that's past, simply because time flies by too quickly and if I don't do that, I will probably forget most of what's happened. Memories are precious, and remembering the lessons we have gained each year, are some of the most important things we can do for ourselves. It reminds me how often Jesus asked his disciples to remember, remember, remember. Even the holy communion is an act of remembrance. We are such forgetful creatures. What's not remembered is lost to the sands of time.

I didn't manage to do that in Dec, but before Jan's entirely lost... I shall attempt to do an exercise of recollection of some of the memorable memories.

Marriage - I love the journey we have taken, the journey of learning, growth and love. I feel like God is refining us, moulding us, shaping us to be better instruments for his use. And the quote that I found today encapsulates this...

"We are all broken people, but when we make the choice to meet each other where we are, God's love can make something beautiful out of our brokenness." 

Truly. I am not perfect. Neither is Calvin. There's been alot of acceptance, alot of moving forward, alot of understanding and new beginnings.

Family - Eating breakfast with dad and Calvin on those Saturday mornings is a precious memory. I love it to pieces. It is such a simple ritual, but so precious because of its simplicity, that it never fails to bring fondness and joy when I recall it.

What I also enjoy -- the time with grandma, the time with mum-in-law, visiting cousins and their babies, visiting eldest uncle at his relative's home... very very sweet.

Lakeside - I feel like I have found a new family in Lakeside. The welcome that Calvin & I receive is tremendous, and we are so blessed by the acceptance, the love, the openness. I love the people and new friends we met, love the time that we spend with them. The retreat in JB was a joy as well, time with God, time with new friends, time of relaxation with Calvin.

Expedition Agape - Wow, the growth amazes me. Thank God for where He is leading us in Expedition Agape. I am grateful for the volunteers, and the ones who have chosen to lead. I am grateful for Timor Leste, for the beautiful and special expedition over 13 days that we have created as a family. Beyond words.

~A post that I did not manage to finish, but finding it now on the first day of 2015, I decided to publish it anyway :)~

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